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Rafael Andrist: Overshears and embeddings of Riemann surfaces

Date of publication: 16. 2. 2024
Complex analysis seminar
Predavalnica 3.06
ID: 940 4904 5946 – Password: 723320

V torek, 20. februarja ob 12. uri in 30 minut, bo v okviru seminarja za kompleksno analizo predavanje

Rafael Andrist: Overshears and embeddings of Riemann surfaces.

Abstract: We introduce the notion of the algebraic overshear density property which implies both the algebraic notion of flexibility and the holomorphic notion of the density property. As an application, we show that any smoothly bordered Riemann surface with finitely many boundary components that is embedded in a complex affine surface with the algebraic overshear density property admits a proper holomorphic embedding. Joint work with Frank Kutzschebauch.

Predavanje bo potekalo hibridno, v predavalnici 3.06 na Jadranski 21 in preko aplikacije Zoom:

Meeting ID: 940 4904 5946 Passcode: 723320

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Vodji seminarja

Franc Forstneric in Barbara Drinovec Drnovsek