Dr. S. Faletič, Prof. G. Planinšič, (UL FMF): How the introduction of self-assessment rubrics helped students and teachers in a Project laboratory course

Dr. S. Faletič, Prof. G. Planinšič (UL FMF): How the introduction of self-assessment rubrics helped students and teachers in a Project laboratory course
Povzetek / Abstract: Scientific abilities rubrics are an assessment and self-assessment tool. They consist of tables, each representing a broad scientific ability (for example, “to collect and analyze data”), the listing of subabilities (for example, “independent and dependent variables are identified”) and the criteria to assess to which degree the subability has been developed. We adapted the Scientific ability rubrics, developed at Rutgers University, NJ and introduced them to assess student work in the Project laboratory, a project-based course where groups of students solve open-ended experimental physics problems. In our talk we will show how the use of Scientific ability rubrics reduced the workload of an instructor, increased the quality of the students’ reports and were used to provide helpful feedback to the students during their work. We believe that the Scientific ability rubrics can be successfully adapted to any course.
Predavanje bo v angleščini / Lecture will be held in English Predavanje bo potekalo preko spleta / Lecture will be held online: https://uni-lj-si.zoom.us/j/95514657868