1348. sredin seminar: Vladimir Batagelj: Bibliographic mix
Date of publication: 8. 4. 2024
Computer mathematics seminar (Wednesday seminar)
18:00 - 19:45
ID: 869 5394 3473
Password: 778851
Sreda, 10. april 2024, od 18:00 do 19:45, po Zoomu
Vladimir Batagelj: Bibliographic mix
Bibliographic measures are also used when deciding on the appointments and promotions of individuals, when evaluating institutions and projects, etc. This is where Goodhart's law comes into play: "When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure." There have been several initiatives (Leiden Manifesto, DORA, CoARA, The Hong Kong Principles for assessing researchers) that should ensure a fairer evaluation. We will also look at some other accompanying phenomena (Publish or perish, CRediT, hyperauthorship, ORCID, DOI).
PS. Kdor bi rad kaj povedal na naslednjih seminarjih, naj mi sporoči naslov teme in doda kratek povzetek.