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Aleksey Kostenko: Trace formulas and inverse spectral theory for strings

Date of publication: 24. 5. 2024
Complex analysis seminar
Predavalnica 3.06
ID: 930 9885 4181

V torek, 28. maja ob 12. uri in 30 minut, bo v okviru seminarja za kompleksno analizo predavanje

Aleksey Kostenko: Trace formulas and inverse spectral theory for strings.

Abstract: Generalized indefinite strings provide a canonical model for self-adjoint operators with simple spectrum (other classical models are Jacobi matrices, Krein strings and 2 \times 2 canonical systems). I will present several Szego-type theorems for generalized indefinite strings (and related spectral problems, including Krein strings and Dirac operators, of course if time permits). More specifically, for several classes of coefficients (that can be regarded as Hilbert-Schmidt perturbations of model problems), we provide a complete characterization of the corresponding set of spectral measures. In particular, our results also apply to the isospectral Lax operator for the conservative Camassa-Holm flow and allow us to establish existence of global weak solutions with various step-like initial conditions of low regularity via the inverse spectral transform. The talk is based on joint work with J.Eckhardt (Loughborough).

Predavanje bo potekalo hibridno, v predavalnici 3.06 na Jadranski 21 in preko aplikacije Zoom:

Meeting ID: 930 9885 4181

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Vodji seminarja

Franc Forstneric in Barbara Drinovec Drnovsek