1352. sredin seminar: Vladimir Batagelj: OpenAlex2Pajek - Co-authorship between countries
Date of publication: 27. 5. 2024
Computer mathematics seminar (Wednesday seminar)
18:00 - 19:45
ID: 869 5394 3473
Password: 778851
Sreda, 29. maj 2024, od 18:00 do 19:45, po Zoomu
Vladimir Batagelj: OpenAlex2Pajek - Co-authorship between countries
In the last seminar, we ran out of time for the third topic on co-authorship networks between countries. We will show how this data can be obtained from the OpenAlex bibliographic database as a sequence of networks for selected time periods. In the following, we will show some approaches to the analysis of such networks. We will look at co-authorships between all countries of the world and especially between European countries.
PS. Kdor bi rad kaj povedal na naslednjih seminarjih, naj mi sporoči naslov teme in doda kratek povzetek.