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Janko Gravner: Nucleation of lines in two-dimensional growth models

Date of publication: 5. 11. 2024
Seminar for probability, statistics, and financial mathematics
Predavalnica P.02 na FMF, Jadranska 21, Ljubljana.
ID: 954 9228 5750

V četrtek, 14.11. 2024, ob 16:15 bo v predavalnici P.02 v okviru seminarja VeSFiM potekalo predavanje Janka Gravnerja (Department of Mathematics, University of California, Davis IAM, Univerza na Primorskem) z naslovom Nucleation of lines in two-dimensional growth models.

Povzetek: In a nucleation process, formation of small nuclei initiates displacement of one equilibrium by another. Typically, nucleation is local: diameter of the nuclei is much smaller than the time-scale of convergence to the new state. We will discuss a few simple models in which this is not true; instead, the nuclei generate lower-dimensional structures that grow and interact significantly before most of the space is affected. Analysis of such models includes a variety of combinatorial and probabilistic methods. The talk will be aimed at the general audience.

Predavanje bo potekalo v živo, bo pa omogočen tudi prenos prek interneta. Povezava na videokonferenčni sistem ZOOM: ID: 954 9228 5750

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