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Marko Žnidarič: Ruelle-Pollicott spectra and integrability of all U(1) circuits

Date of publication: 12. 12. 2024
Mathematical physics seminar
14:00 - 16:00
Seminar room 133 (Jadranska ulica 21)

I will present results on a momentum-resolved truncated propagator, specifically on Ruelle-Pollicott resonances in a chaotic Kicked Ising model. Such a non-unitary operator is also useful in studies of integrable models, for instance in finding a new 4-parameter family of U(1) conserving circuits. They are generic and integrable, and harbor interesting inhomogeneous SU(2) as well as quantum group symmetries important for transport. Among other they teach us that in the XXZ-type of models isotropy and criticality are distinct notions, and that what matters is the local SU(2) criticality and not isotropy.