Assoc. Prof. Dr. Andrej Zorko (IJS, FMF): From spin liquids to supersolids in quantum magnets
Quantum magnets are at the forefront of contemporary condensed mater research due to a plethora of exotic quantum phenomena they exhibit as well as due to their potential in quantum technology. They display many exotic phases driven by strong quantum fluctuations that prevent conventional magnetic ordering. Among these phases, spin liquids---characterized by long-range quantum entanglement and fractionalized excitations---represent a unique state of matter. Recently, it has been shown theoretically and experimentally how such states can further transform into spin supersolids, where magnetic order coexists with superfluid-like properties. I will present our recent discoveries in the field on selected examples of two-dimensional frustrated spin lattices and highlight the most appropriate experimental tools to detect and characterize these unconventional states.
Cookies, tea