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Valdis Laan, Alvin Lepik: Morita theory of semigroups

Date of publication: 19. 8. 2021
Algebra and functional analysis seminar
12:30 - 13:30
FMF, Jadranska 21, predavalnica 2.03
Morita theory of semigroups Valdis Laan, Alvin Lepik (University of Tartu) Classical Morita theory has been developed for rings with identity since 1960s. By now, Morita theory has been studied for a wide range of structures, including rings without identity, monoids, semigroups, quantales, C*-algebras, small categories. In this talk we give a short overview of main results in Morita theory of semigroups. We also cover some of our recent results in this area. In particular, we focus on results about finite semigroups, Rees matrix semigroups, Morita semigroups and enlargements.

Predavanje je izjemoma v predavalnici 2.03.

Vljudno vabljeni! Roman Drnovšek in Primož Moravec