Prof. Dr. Laura Elisa Marcucci (U Pisa, INFN Pisa): Ab-initio studies of light nuclei and few-nucleon reactions
Date of publication: 5. 1. 2022
Monday physics colloquium
16:15 - 17:15
ID: 980 0889 5298
V ponedeljek, 10. 1. 2022, ob 16:15 prek Zooma
When can a theoretical study be called a "microscopic ab-initio calculation"? What are the essential ingredients of such a calculation? What can we study within an ab-initio framework? In this talk, I will try to answer these questions, and review some recent progress in ab-initio studies of few-nucleon systems, in particular light nuclei and scattering states with A up to 6. I will then present results obtained in selected applications, focusing on nuclear reactions of interest for astrophysics, and for the search of physics beyond the standard model.