Tomaž Zwitter: HD 74438, a quadruple star which may be on its path toward a supernova explosion
Date of publication: 12. 5. 2022
10:00 - 11:00
Kuščerjev seminar, Jadranska 19 (FMF) in Zoom
Astrodebata o novem članku v Nature Astronomy, katerega soavtorja sta prof. Tomaž Zwitter in dr. Gregor Traven iz UL FMF! Vabljeni v ponedeljek,16. maja, ob 10:00 v Kuščerjev seminar, pridružite se nam lahko tudi na Zoomu. Predavanje bo v angleščini!
**HD 74438, a quadruple star which may be on its path toward a supernova explosion **
prof. Tomaž Zwitter (UL FMF)
Binary stars are quite frequent, but we know only a handful of quadruples. In a recent paper we discuss a quadruple system composed of very young stars in tight orbits. Their mutual gravitational interactions may lead to stellar mergers resulting in a supernova explosion of type Ia. This new evolutionary channel is a promising way to form this type of supernovae which serve as standard candles for distance measurements.