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Luka Leskovec: A lattice QCD study of B ā†’ Ļ€ Ļ€ l šœˆ

Date of publication: 17. 1. 2023
Joint FMF-JSI high energy physics seminar
11:15 - 12:15
Tea room

Luka Leskovec: A lattice QCD study of B ā†’ Ļ€ Ļ€ l šœˆ

V_{ub} is the smallest and least known of all CKM matrix elements; it's currently determined primarily through the exclusive process B ā†’ Ļ€ l šœˆ. I will present progress toward a lattice QCD determination of the V_{ub} matrix element from a novel transition -- the B ā†’ Ļ€ Ļ€ l šœˆ process, where the Ļ€ Ļ€ system is in a P-wave and features the Ļ(770) resonance as an enhancement. The calculation is performed an ensemble with N_f=2+1 isotropic clover fermions wiht Lā‰ˆ3.6 fm and a pion mass of 320 MeV; for the b-quark we use the anisotropic clover action. After a brief overview of the theoretical framework, I will discuss some preliminary results.