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Nicholas Martis: Identifying and Characterizing the Most Heavily Dust-Obscured Galaxies at 1 < z < 4

Date of publication: 14. 2. 2023
11:00 - 12:00
predavalnica F6
ID: 926 8092 2769
Ta četrtek, 16. februarja, bo Nicholas Martis (Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Canada) imel astrodebato o lastnostih oddaljenih prašnih galaksij. Vidimo se ob 11. uri v predavalnici F6 in na Zoomu (povezava v objavi). Predavanje bo v angleščini.

Identifying and Characterizing the Most Heavily Dust-Obscured Galaxies at 1 < z < 4

Nicholas Martis (Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Canada)

I investigate a sample of color-selected galaxies from the UltraVISTA DR3 survey of the COSMOS field in an effort to identify and characterize the most heavily dust-obscured galaxies at 1<z<4. UV-MIR spectral energy distribution (SED) modeling that allows for extreme obscuration levels reveals a population of massive, dusty galaxies with as much as four magnitudes of extinction in the V-band. We perform a detailed analysis of 65 such galaxies including their full UV-FIR SEDs incorporating Herschel photometry, sizes using Hubble Space Telescope imaging when available, and star formation activity. Finally, a comparison of the physical properties of these galaxies to those of sub-millimeter galaxies as well as Herschel sources matched in redshift and stellar mass explores the overlap of selections based on dust emission rather than dust obscuration.