Rafael Andrist: Integrable generators of Lie algebras of polynomial vector fields
V torek, 11. aprila ob 12. uri in 30 minut, bo v okviru seminarja za kompleksno analizo predavanje
Rafael Andrist: Integrable generators of Lie algebras of polynomial vector fields.
Abstract: Recently, algebraic geometers started to investigate infinitely transitive group actions where the group is generated by only finitely many unipotent groups. In this talk we will look at this question from the complex-analytic viewpoint: If we can establish the density property for a complex-affine variety using only finitely many completely integrable vector fields, then the generated subgroup of holomorphic automorphisms will act infinitely transitively. We then revisit the algebraic case and use the implicit function theorem to prove that an infinitely transitive group action on the regular locus of the singular quadric can be generated by three vector fields with polynomial flow. Other known examples are the complex Euclidean space and the special linear group (viewed as a variety).
Predavanje bo potekalo hibridno, v predavalnici 3.06 na Jadranski 21 in preko aplikacije ZOOM:
Meeting ID: 940 4904 5946 Passcode: 723320
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Vodji seminarja
Franc Forstneric in Barbara Drinovec Drnovsek