Seminarja MATLAB
Date of publication: 18. 5. 2012
Computing center news for students
Podjetje GAMAX vabi na seminarja 'Optimization and Global Optimization with MATLAB' in 'Speeding up MATLAB® Applications', ki bosta 19. junija v M hotelu v Ljubljani.
We are pleased to invite you to attend a FREE MATLAB®
events in English in Ljubljana, Slovenia:
'Optimization and Global Optimization
with MATLAB®' - Seminar and
'Speeding up MATLAB®
Applications' - Master Class
Location: M Hotel
Derčeva ulica 4, 1000 Ljubljana
Wednesday, 19th June, 2012
Presenter: Szilárd
Németh, Application Engineer, Gamax Laborarory Solutions Ltd.
Time: 09:00 – 12:30 (Check-in from
Speeding up MATLAB® Applications -
Master Class
Time: 14:00 – 16:00 (Check-in from
Preliminary registration is required until 14h
June, 2012! Please note, that you need to register to both events
The seminar and master class are separate events!
We confirm every registration. Please let us know, if
you do not receive our registration confirmation within 1 workday.
Event details:
Explore the MATLAB® capabilities for optimization and
global optimization problems!
This session highlights the MATLAB® optimization product
offering, including Optimization Toolbox and Global Optimization Toolbox
(formerly Genetic Algorithm and Direct Search Toolbox). It summarizes the
capabilities of each product and discusses the benefits of running your
optimizations from the MATLAB® environment. Product demonstrations show how our
tools can be used to find solutions to real-world optimization problems, while
also introducing new and experienced users to best practices for using MATLAB®
optimization products.
Seminar main topics:
-Setting up optimization problems in MATLAB®: Overview of the MATLAB® environment, optimization solvers, using Optimization Tool to set up optimization
-Example: nonlinear curve fitting as an optimization problem
-Case Study: setting up an optimization problem of a power
plant using linear programming
-Developing system prototypes using implementation-ready
algorithms (i.e. algorithms that have built-in support for fixed-point and C
code generation)
-Generating readable and portable C code from MATLAB®
algorithms using MATLAB® Coder
-Generate MEX functions to accelerate computationally
intensive problems
No previous MATLAB knowledge required or suggested to attend this free seminar.
Speeding up MATLAB® Applications -
Master Class
For advanced MATLAB users
Master Class Overview
Every day institutions are challenged by the increasing
numerical scale of their analytics and the increasing amount of market and
client data.
An increasing number of institutions have been
successfully benefiting from MATLAB’s solutions for parallel computing by
reducing computational time with 50%-95%. During a 2 hour master class, you will
learn how you can deliver results faster, speed up your time to market of new
models and effectively handle more data.
• Tips & tricks for programming in MATLAB®
• Effective memory and data management
• Optimize the performance of MATLAB® programs
• Leverage the power of multi-core hardware
Please note, that you need to register to both events
separately. The seminar and master class are separate events.
For further information please feel free to contact us
at or call +36 1 372 0707.
We look forward to meeting you at our events!