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Klavdija Kutnar (FAMNIT UP, Slovenija): Edge-transitive rose window graphs

Date of publication: 14. 12. 2009
Seminar for group theory and combinatorics
Četrtek, 17. 12. 2009, od 17h do 19h, učilnica 016, Pedagoška fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani

Povzetek: Given natural numbers n \ge 3 and 1 \le a,r \le n-1, the rose window graph R_n(a,r) is a quartic graph with vertex set { x_i | i \in \ZZ_n } \cup { y_i | i \in \ZZ_n } and edge set {{x_i,x_{i + 1}} | i \in \ZZ_n } \cup {{y_i,y_{i + r}} | i \in \ZZ_n } \cup {{x_i,y_i} | i \in \ZZ_n } \cup {{x_{i+a},y_{i}} | i \in \ZZ_n }. In this talk I will present a recent classification of edge-transitive rose window graphs which confirms Steve Wilson's conjectures on rose window graphs. This is a joint work with István Kovács, Dragan Marušič and János Ruff.