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Dr. Daniele Malesani: Gamma-ray bursts as probes of galaxy evolution

Date of publication: 10. 5. 2014
Gost Astrodebate bo dr. Daniele Malesani (Dark Cosmology Centre (DARK), Niels Bohr Institute, Univerza v Kobenhavnu), ki bo predaval o uporabi izbruhov sevanja gama za raziskovanje galaksij v nastajanju. Vabljeni v ponedeljek, 12. maja 2014, ob 13.uri v predavalnico F-4 na Fakulteti za matematiko in fiziko, Jadranska 19, Ljubljana.
Gamma-ray bursts as probes of galaxy evolution

Dr. Daniele Malesani
Dark Cosmology Centre (DARK), Niels Bohr Institute,
University of Copenhagen

Gamma-ray bursts are powerful explosions at high redshift which probe star formation in a wide set of cosmic environments. I will present our program to extract information from GRB afterglow spectroscopy, to probe the content of gas, metals, dust, and molecules in star forming galaxies across the Universe.
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