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COST workshop on Modelling of Flowing Matter

Date of publication: 4. 2. 2015
Soft matter seminar
16th-18th February, Ljubljana, FMF (lecture hall F2)

Dear colleagues,

As many of you already know, we are organizing a 3-day workshop “COST workshop on Modelling of Flowing Matter” in Ljubljana, from 16th-18th February (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Jadranska 19, lecture hall F2). The event is part of the COST action on Flowing matter, which aims to bridge fields of complex fluids, complex flows and active matter. This workshop is specifically focused on modelling (and theory) of flowing matter; the program is published on the workshop webpage:

We set the workshop as an open event for local participants (no fee) and if interested, you are most welcome to attend the whole workshop or only selected talks. To help us plan the event, we only kindly ask that those interested, fill-in the registration form on the workshop webpage.

With kind regards,

Miha Ravnik