Obveščam vas, da je preminil Leiba Rodman. Mnogi med vami ste ga spoznali lani spomladi, ko se je udeležil obeh ljubljanskih srečanj. Spodaj je izvleček iz obvestila Chi Kwong Lija, da bo OaM izdal posebno izdajo njemu v čast:
Operators and Matrices will publish a special issue in memory of Leiba Rodman, in recognition of his many important contributions. We solicit papers for the special issue within the scope of Operators and Matrices. Papers for submission will be subject to normal refereeing procedures according to the usual standards of Operators and Matrices. They should be submitted via the journal website:
indicating that the paper is submitted to the special issue for Leiba Rodman. The deadline for submission of papers is September 30, 2015.
Lep pozdrav
Matjaž Omladič