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Prof. Dong Ki Yoon: Molecular arrangement of liquid crystal phases in the confined geometries at micron and nanometre scales

Date of publication: 27. 6. 2016
Soft matter seminar
Sreda, 29. junij 2016 ob 14:00, Seminarska soba fizike, F5, IJS

Molecular arrangement of liquid crystal phases in the confined geometries at micron and nanometre scales

Prof. Dong Ki Yoon,  Graduate School of Nanoscience and Technology, AIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea

The orientation control of liquid crystal (LC) phases is essential for fundamental studies as
well as practical applications. Surface treatment and topographic confinement have emerged
as two of the most effective tools to control ordering and orientation of various types of LC
phases. This talk is intended to give an overview of the LC phases controlled in confined
geometries at micron and nanometre scales. In addition, the electric field-driven uniaxial alignment techniques will be introduced and the effective analytical techniques will be shown. Finally, the talk will close with the applications using such confined LC phases.