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EURAXESS - Webinar on Doctoral Supervision

Date of publication: 13. 11. 2017
News for Department of Mathematics and IMFM staff
V petek, 24. 11. 2017, ob 12. uri.

Dear all,

Join our first PRIDE (Professional in Doctoral Education) Webinar on 24 November 2017 at 12 noon on Doctoral Supervision. We have invited the author of the "Handbook for Doctoral Supervisors" Stan Taylor and Melita Kovačević, Vice-President of the PRIDE Association to discuss the importance of supervision.

Supervision seems to strongly influence the time to degree and is one of the main influential factors when it comes to PhD satisfaction. However, what is good supervisory practice? Whilst the significance is well recognized, there is less consensus on how to answer this question. What kind of support, can universities and especially professionals in doctoral education provide in order to improve supervision?

To discuss these and other questions with Stan Taylor and Melita Kovačević please register on our website. Closer to the event we will send you a login for the webinar. You are welcome to send us your questions in advance.

About the PRIDE Association:

The PRIDE-network Association aims at representing the community of Professionals in Doctoral Education within Europe and beyond. Our members are contributing to the connection of the European Research Area and the European Higher Education Area. The PRIDE-network provides training, professional development, and networking opportunities to its members and promotes the professional status and visibility in the higher education community. Membership in the PRIDE-network is open to individuals and organisations who foster a positive association within the community, whose terms of affiliation are not contrary to the goals of the PRIDE-network, and who uphold the responsibilities and integrity of the association without conflict of interest.


Lisette Schmidt
University of Vienna
Research Services and Career Development