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Ilya Kossovskiy: Segre family approach to the classification of real-analytic hypersurfaces and applications

Date of publication: 1. 10. 2018
Complex analysis seminar
PONEDELJEK, 08.10.2018 ob 12:15, soba 3.06 na Jadranski 21
Seminarja za kompleksno analizo ta teden ne bo. Prihodnji teden pa bo seminar izjemoma pridružen seminarju za topologijo, ki bo v PONEDELJEK, 8. oktobra ob 12. uri in 15 minut. Predaval bo prof. Ilya Kossovskiy z univerze Masarykova univerzita, Česka.

Title: Segre family approach to the classification of real-analytic hypersurfaces and applications.

Abstract: We demonstrate a new approach to constructing a normal form for a real-analytic hypersurface in C^N, via the Segre family of a hypersurface. As an outcome, we are able: (i) to provide a new proof of convergence of the Chern-Moser normal form; (ii) give a new point of view on describing the well known Chern-Moser's chains; (iii) provide a solution for an old problem of Poincare ("Probleme local"). This work is joint with P. Ebenfelt and B. Lamel.

Seminar bo v predavalnici 3.06 na Jadranski 19. Vljudno vabljeni!   

Vodji seminarja

Franc Forstnerič in Barbara Drinovec Drnovšek