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Attilio Stella: Growth dynamics and complexity of national economies in the global trade network

Date of publication: 1. 12. 2018
Seminar for probability, statistics, and financial mathematics
Ponedeljek, 3.12.2018, ob 16:15 v predavalnici F1, Jadranska 19 (Fizikalni kolokvij)

V ponedeljek, 3.12.2018, ob 16:15 bo  v predavalnici F1, Jadranska 19, v okviru Fizikalnega kolokvija potekalo predavanje Attilia Stelle (Padova) z naslovom: Growth dynamics and complexity of national economies in the global trade network.

Povzetek / Abstract: Methods of statistical physics allow to explore the quantitative nexus among economic growth of a country, diversity of its productions, and evolution in time of its export basket. A stochastic model of evolution, calibrated on data for 1238 exports from 223 countries in 21 years, enables counterfactual analyses based on estimates of the part of growth
due to resource transfers between different productions. Original use of the Boltzmann-Shannon entropy function leads to the construction of consistent measures of the efficiency of national economies and of the specialization of productions.