Hendrik Herrmann: Szegö Kernel Asymptotics and Embeddings of Sasakian Manifolds
Date of publication: 2. 10. 2019
Complex analysis seminar
Četrtek, 03.10.2019 ob 13:00, soba 2.03 na Jadranski 21
V ČETRTEK, 3. oktobra ob 13. uri bo v okviru seminarja za kompleksno analizo predaval dr. Hendrik Herrmann z Univerze v Wuppertalu, Nemčija.
Title: Szegö Kernel Asymptotics and Embeddings of Sasakian Manifolds.
Abstract: We consider Szegö kernels which are equivariant with respect to the flow of the Reeb vector field and study the asymptotic behaviour of their weighted sums. As an application we obtain information about the asymptotic properties of the related weighted Kodaira map. This is a joint work with Chin-Yu Hsiao and Xiaoshan Li.
Seminar bo v predavalnici 2.03 na Jadranski 21. Vljudno vabljeni!
Vodji seminarja
Franc Forstnerič in Barbara Drinovec Drnovšek