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Tijana Prodanović: New Signatures of Galactic Interactions?

Date of publication: 24. 5. 2019
V ponedeljek, 27. maja ob 13. uri, bo imela Tijana Prodanović z Univerze v Novem Sadu Astrodebato o interakcijah med galaksijami. Predavanje bo v predavalnici F5 v stavbi na Jadranski 19. Vljudno vabljeni!
New Signatures of Galactic Interactions?
Tijana Prodanović

Department of Physics
Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad

It has been shown that galactic interaction and mergers can result in large-scale tidal shocks that propagate through interstellar gas. As a result, this can give rise to a new population of cosmic rays, additional to standard galactic cosmic rays present in star-forming galaxies. presence of such cosmic-ray population would directly affect our understanding of thermal and non-thermal emission budget in such systems as well as the abundances of "cosmic dosimeters". If all these effects could be identified and quantified they could be used as signatures of galactic interactions, possibly even at higher redshifts which could have far reaching consequences on our understanding of galactic formation and evolution