Srečanje mladih matematikov iz vseh slovenskih univerz
Date of publication: 19. 7. 2019
News for Department of Mathematics and IMFM staff
27. - 28. septembra 2019 na Bledu, v sklopu letnega srečanja DMFA
V sklopu letnega srečanja Društva matematikov, fizikov in astronomov Slovenija (DMFA) bo med 27. in 28. septembrom 2019 na Bledu potekalo srečanje mladih matematikov iz vseh treh slovenskih univerz. Na srečanju bodo doktorski študentje in mladi doktorandi dobili priložnost, da se spoznajo med seboj in na kratko predstavijo teme svojih raziskav. Dogodek bo potekal hkrati s srečanjem "Women of mathematics on the Mediterranean shores".
Vsi doktorski študentje in mladi matematiki so lepo vabljeni, da se dogodka udeležijo in (po želji) predstavijo svoje raziskovalne projekte.
DMFA omogoča brezplačno bivanje v 9 dvoposteljnih sobah v Plemljevi vili za tiste brez alternativnega financiranja. FMF krije kotizacijo za svoje zaposlene, podobno tudi IMFM.
Več informacij je na spletni strani dogodka:
Za dodatna vprašanja kontatktirajte Anjo Petković <>.
Within the framework of the annual meeting of the Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia (DMFA) in Bled, September 27-28 2019, we are organising a workshop of young researchers in mathematics from all three Slovene Universities. This provides an opportunity for PhD Students and PostDocs to get to know each other and to briefly present the topics of their research. The event will also be co-located with the meeting: "Women of mathematics on the Mediterranean shores".
All PhD students and young researchers in Slovenia are kindly invited to attend the workshop and to (optionally) present their research to other young mathematicians.
DMFA is offering free stay in the 9 double rooms in Plemelj's House for those without alternative funding. FMF promises to cover the registration fee for all its employees, similarly IMFM.
For further information please see the event webpage:
If you have any additional questions, please contact Anja Petković <>.
We hope to see you in Bled.