Applications are now being accepted for Perimeter Scholars International (PSI), the unique 10- month master’s program at Canada’s Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in partnership with the University of Waterloo. Features of the program include:
• No application fee.
• Removal of financial barriers: most students who receive and accept offers of admission to PSI will receive a full scholarship. Perimeter Institute also helps with travel arrangements and any immigration arrangements necessary.
• Exposure to the full breadth of theoretical physics topics.
• Students are taught by leading minds in theoretical physics while earning a Master’s degree from the University of Waterloo.
• Collaboration is valued over competition; deep understanding and creativity are valued over rote learning and examination.
• PSI recruits worldwide: 85% of students come from outside of Canada
• PSI seeks extraordinary talent who may have non-traditional academic backgrounds, but have demonstrated exceptional scientific aptitude.
Apply online at