Informacije o možnostih finančne, psihosocialne in druge pomoči slovenskim študentom and Psychosocial Counselling for International Students
Date of publication: 12. 11. 2020
News for physics students
Pregled koristnih informacij na temo psihosocialne in finančne pomoči/Long-term stress is difficult to resolve by yourself and it's often best for you to seek help
😷 Epidemija Covid-19 pušča močne posledice tudi na našem duševnem zdravju. Karierni centri UL so za vas na enem mestu zbrali pregled koristnih informacij na temo psihosocialne in finančne pomoči ter druga gradiva za lažje spoprijemanje z nastalo situacijo. Najdete jih tule:
Due to the coronavirus pandemics our daily life has changed significantly. Don't worry, we are here to give you some useful information and to support you. Here are some ideas and useful links to make it easier for you to get through this time and to make the most of it. More information