The academic year 2021/22 is starting, and we are pleased that the current circumstances allow us to return to lecture halls and laboratories. We are convinced that with proper care for safety and respect for protective measures, we will be able to implement all study programs live fully. At the same time, on the online classroom and personal websites of the lecturers of individual subjects, you will have access to recorded material from the academic years 2019/20 and 2020/21, and various notes and other teaching materials that we prepared during the epidemic.
You can enter the faculty buildings if you meet the RVT (recovered/vaccinated/tested) condition. For this purpose, scanners will be used at the entrances, by which you will have to prove the fulfillment of RVT condition with the QR code on your certificate. We ask that you have the certificate ready and arrive at the faculty on time so that there will not be too much crowding due to checking at the entrances. We would like to remind you that two of the entrances to the building at Jadranska street 21 will be closed for organizational reasons. Once the RVT condition is met, there are no more restrictions on the distance between each other in the lecture halls, so you will be able to participate in lectures, tutorials, seminars, and laboratory work all at once, similar to the time before the epidemic.
We all will wear a protective mask on the faculty premises; the only exceptions are lecturers in large lecture halls that are far enough away from the students and where there is a plexiglass barrier between the seated lecturer and the students. An essential aspect of virus protection is the constant ventilation of the premises. Therefore, we will work with the windows open in the lecture halls, if possible, and open all the windows during breaks. We ask for your understanding and help with the ventilation. Classrooms will also be equipped with CO2 detectors.
According to the current rules, students who do not meet the RV requirement must take a self-test once a week. Testing will also be required for those students who do not have a proper QR code associated with the RV condition or whose documents about this might be unclear. Self-testing for FMF students will be performed in a tent in the parking lot behind the faculty building at Jadranska street 21 on Mondays and Thursdays. According to the Government Decree, you can get the self-test tests at any pharmacy with your health card (5 tests per month) and bring them with you to the test site. The faculty does not provide students with self-testing tests. At the location of the self-test, you will pick up a record sheet in which you will enter the results of the self-test. This record sheet will serve as proof of entry to the premises of UL FMF as well as to the premisses of other faculties within UL in the event that part of the teaching process in your program is also carried out at another faculty.
It will happen that one of you will get infected. If this happens, please do not attend classes and notify the head of your department about the infection immediately.
Thank you for your understanding. We wish you a successful starting of the new study year!!