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Seminar SAAAJ, Zagreb 21.5., program

Date of publication: 18. 5. 2022
Seminar on analysis and algebra Alpe-Adria

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Za prihodnje srečanje Seminarja za analizo in algebro Alpe-Jadran (SAAAJ) v soboto, 21.5.2202, na PMF v Zagrebu, je pripet program. Naslovi predavanj so naslednji:

10:00–10:45 Goran Muić: Hilbert’s Irreducibility, Modular Forms, and Computation of Certain Galois Group

10:50–11:35 Klemen Šivic: Irreducible components of varieties of commuting matrices

12:00–12:45 Luka Grubišić: High Order Approximations of the Operator Lyapunov Equation Have Low Rank

12:50–13:35 Aljoša Peperko: On some spectral theory for suprema preserving operators on max-cones

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Igor in Marjeta