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19th Heidelberg Summer School on New Opportunities to Test Cosmology

Date of publication: 15. 5. 2024
Obvestilo študentom astronomije
Obvestilo o poletni šoli iz kozmologije v Heidelbergu. Rok za prijave je 30. junij. Več informacij v obvestilu in na spletni strani

The "International Max Planck Research School for Astronomy & Cosmic Physics at the University of Heidelberg" (IMPRS-HD) announces the 19th Heidelberg Summer School on New Opportunities to Test Cosmology

Dates: September 2-6, 2024

IMPRS Heidelberg invites early-career scientists to its 19th summer school, which will be held in-person at the Heidelberg University’s Mathematikon [].

Cosmology is both, a mature field and one with fundamental open questions that may be tackled over the next years: * How can GR and inflation as a framework be tested further? * What physics describes the accelerated expansion of the Universe? * What are the dark matter constituents? * Do we understand clustering on the largest (and smallest) scale? * Is there evidence for new physics in cosmology?

For many, these questions the combination of astrophysical theory, exciting new data and stringent, innovative modelling are the path forward. In particular, a number of experiments to tackle these questions are finally reality: the Euclid mission, the DESI and eROSITA surveys, and soon the LSST/Rubin and the Roman Space Telescope.

The goal of the Summer school is to better connect the graduate-lecture basics to devising actual tests of cosmological models. The main – but not exclusive – focus will be on gravitational lensing and galaxy large-scale structure. The main topics that will be covered include:

  1. a review of the theoretical framework,
  2. cosmology with gravitational lensing,
  3. cosmology with galaxy large scale structures, and
  4. machine learning and inference in cosmology.

Invited lead lecturers are: * Camille Bonvin (Geneva University) * Shirley Ho (Flatiron Institute, New York) * Benjamni Joachimi (U. College London) * Alessandra Silvestri (Leiden University)

There will also be a range of more specific talks, and hands-on activities with simulated and real data.

The school SOC is: Luca Amendola (ITP), Hans-Walter Rix (MPIA), Bjoern-Malte Schaefer (ARI)

Deadline for applications is June 30, 2024.

Please find more information under Application specifics and final information will be accessible via this web-site by mid May 2024.