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Poletna šola kozmologije v ZDA (2. do 6. junij 2025)

Date of publication: 29. 11. 2024
Obvestilo študentom astronomije
Na Univerzi v Michiganu (Ann Arbor, MI, ZDA) prirejajo poletno šolo iz kozmologije od 2. do 6. junija 2025, potekala bo sočasno na daljavo in v živo. Nanjo se lahko prijavijo študenti druge stopnje, doktorski in po-doktorski študenti. Prijave bodo začeli zbirati z novim letom.

Sporočilo je v angleščini.

Dear Colleague,

We are pleased to announce the third Michigan Cosmology Summer School, which will take place on June 2-6, 2025 at the University of Michigan campus in Ann Arbor, MI. The target participants are graduate students and junior postdocs. Additional details are on the Summer School website,, including the list of lecturers.

While we expect the majority of participants to be in-person, we will provide a hybrid setup, opening lectures and interaction spaces to online participants. This should broaden the accessibility of the School to junior scientists based in countries from which it is expensive and difficult to travel to the U.S.

The school will cover topics across the field of cosmology ranging from theory to experiment, but the emphasis will be on computation and the interface between data and theory. The focus will be on theoretical underpinnings of inflation, dark matter, dark energy, and gravitational-wave cosmology using modern measurements. An overarching goal of the school is to provide participants with concrete practical skills for theory modeling and data analysis, and familiarize them with modern statistical and machine-learning techniques.

The registration will open in early 2025. The Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics at University of Michigan will heavily subsidize the School, and we aim to make the registration fee sufficiently low to minimize financial barriers for in-person attendees. The weather in Michigan that time of the year should be very nice, with long sunny days. We are planning to organize some outdoor activities as well.

On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee,

Dragan Huterer Professor of Physics Associate Chair for the Physics Graduate Program University of Michigan