Enrollment into the program.
Selected Topics in Reactor Physics and Engineering
Alireza Haghighat, Mag. Uroš Salobir, Assist. Prof. Dr. Gašper Žerovnik, Dr. Igor Lengar, Prof. Dr. Iztok Tiselj, Prof. Dr. Andrej Trkov, Dr. Tomaž Žagar, Anton Chaushevski, Hubert Carcreff, Prof. Dr. Leon Cizelj, Nicolas THIOLLAY
Selected topics of reactor physics:
- Analytical and numerical methods for transport and diffusion equation for neutrons
- Reactor kinetics, burnup and transmutation simulations with special codes.
- Application of Monte-Carlo methods and codes.
- Nuclear reactor core design.
Selected topics of reactor engineering:
- Systems of new energy reactors.
- Analyses of experimental nuclear reactors.
- Nuclear fuel cycle, Nuclear fuel.
- Radioactivity and environment.
- New technologies of radioactive waste management, decommissioning of nuclear facilities.
Fusion reactors:
magnetohydrodynamics, physics and technology, new concepts.
Duderstadt, Hamilton, Nuclear reactor analysis, John Wiley and Sons, 1976
P. Reuss, Neutron Physics, EDP Sciences, 2008
Lewis, Miller, Computational methods of neutron transport, American Nuclear society, 1993
R. A. Knief, Nuclear engineering, Theory and Technology of Commercial Nuclear Power, American Nuclear Society, 2008.
Waltar, Todd, Tsvetkov, Fast Spectrum Reactors, Springer 2012
W.M. Stacey, Fusion Plasma Physics, Second revised and enlarged edition, Wiley VcH, 2012.
E.E. Lewis, Fundamentals of nuclear reactor physics, Academic Press - Elsevier, 2008
A. Hebert, Applied reactor physics, Press Internationales, polytechnique,2009
The student acquires a deeper knowledge of selected topics of reactor physics and engineering in the field of her/his research area.
Knowledge and understanding:
Student acquires an overview of open scientific questions in various fields of reactor physics and engineering and understanding of theoretical and experimental methods to solve them.
Obtained knowledge can be applied in doctoral thesis scientific research.
Usage of acquired knowledge to interconnection of related problems and scientific methods not directly involved in the field of doctoral thesis.
Transferable skills:
Deepened knowledge of contemporary scientific state-of-the-art in various fields enables interconnection of theoretical and experimental methods.
Lectures, consultations.
Active attendance at lectures and in discussions
passed / not passed (according to the Statute of UL)
1) TISELJ, Iztok, CIZELJ, Leon. DNS of turbulent channel flow with conjugate heat transfer at Prandtl number 0.01. Nuclear Engineering and Design, ISSN 0029-5493, Vol. 253, 2012. str. 153-160.
2) MIKUŽ, Blaž, TISELJ, Iztok, BEYER, Matthias, LUCAS, Dirk. Simulations of flashing experiments in TOPFLOW facility with TRACE code. Nuclear Engineering and Design, ISSN 0029-5493. [Print ed.], [in press] 2014, 11 str., doi: 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2014.09.043.
3) LUCAS, Dirk, TISELJ, Iztok, ŠTRUBELJ, Luka, et al. Main results of the European project NURESIM on the CFD-modelling of two-phase Pressurized Thermal Shock (PTS). Kerntechnik, ISSN 0932-3902, 2009, vol. 74, no. 5/6, str. 238-242.