Depending on the focus and interest of students the course will follow the following chapters:
Theories of Learning:
Behavioristic, cognitive, constructivistic, interactivvistic theories of learning. The concept of mathematical knowledge. The goals of mathematics teaching. Learning of mathematics and informations management. Bruner's theory of representations. Classical and modern theories of solving of mathematical problems. Classroom practice.
Classroom motivation:
Interesting titles in the popularization of mathematics, Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Mathematics and Technology, Mathematics in Automotive Technology, Mathematics and Digital Sound Technology, Mathematics in Biology, Mathematics in Medicine, ...
Learning Technologies:
The use of Computer in Mathematics Classroom, Slides, Latex, Drawing in Latex, Internet, Interactive Web Tools, Tools for Symbolic Calculations, Dynamic Geometry Programs, Interactive Board.
Mathematical content with a computer:
Chapters in Classical Geometry with Dynamic Geometry Programs. The Geometry of Circle and Triangle. Classical Theorems: Simson, Feuerbach, Cantor, Morley, Napoleon, Apollonius, Inversion, Möbius transformations.
Other relevant contents.