Matija Bašić, Combinatorial models for stable homotopy theory, Boštjan Lemež, An uncountable family of upper semicontinuous functions...
Sobota 26. 5. 2018, ob 10. uri, soba 2.02, Jadranska 21
Mednarodni topološki seminar Ljubljana-Maribor-Zagreb
23. 5. 2018
Henk Bruin, Matching for generalized $\beta$-transformations; Iztok Banič, The (weak) full projection property for inverse limits with upper semicontinuous bonding functions
Sobota 3. 6. 2017, ob 10. uri, soba 2.02, Jadranska 21
Mednarodni topološki seminar Ljubljana-Maribor-Zagreb
30. 5. 2017
S. Mardešić, On a problem concerning products in the category of shape, I. Banič: An Anderson-Choquet-type theorem and a characterization of weakly chainable continua
Sobota 14.5. 2016, ob 10. uri, soba 2.02, Jadranska 21
Mednarodni topološki seminar Ljubljana-Maribor-Zagreb
7. 5. 2016
Iztok Banič: Inverse limits, inverse limit hulls and crossovers, Ana Anušić: On the Core Ingram Conjecture
Sobota 23.5. 2015, ob 10. uri, soba 2.02, Jadranska 21
Mednarodni topološki seminar Ljubljana-Maribor-Zagreb
13. 5. 2015