1341. sredin seminar: Vladimir Batagelj: Derived bibliographic networks / truncated networks
Datum objave: 28. 11. 2023
Seminar za računalniško matematiko (Sredin seminar)
18.00 - 19.45
ID: 869 5394 3473
Geslo: 778851
Sreda, 29. november 2023, od 18:00 do 19:45, po Zoomu
Derived bibliographic networks / truncated networks
We will look at the problem of "explosion" (nonsparsity) of the derived network. When computing derived networks, nodes of large degrees in source networks greatly increase the size of the derived network. In fractional derived networks, the contribution of each neighbor of the large degree node is negligible. Therefore, many of the calculated link weights are not at all interesting for the analysis results. We can avoid them with truncated networks. Besides co-authorship networks we will discuss also co-citation and bibliographic coupling networks.
PS. Kdor bi rad kaj povedal na naslednjih seminarjih, naj mi sporoči naslov teme in doda kratek povzetek.