Preskoči na glavno vsebino

Matija Vidmar: Fock structure of complete Boolean algebras of type I factors and of unital factorizations, 2. del

Datum objave: 11. 12. 2023
Seminar za verjetnost, statistiko in finančno matematiko
Predavalnica 2.04 na FMF, Jadranska 21, Ljubljana.
ID: 954 9228 5750

V četrtek, 14. 12. 2023, ob 14:15 bo v predavalnici 2.04 v okviru seminarja VeSFiM potekal 2. del predavanja Matije Vidmarja z naslovom: Fock structure of complete Boolean algebras of type I factors and of unital factorizations.

Povzetek: The factorizable vectors of a complete Boolean algebra of type I factors, acting on a separable Hilbert space, are shown to be total, resolving a conjecture of Araki and Woods. En route, the spectral theory of noise-type Boolean algebras of Tsirelson is cast in the noncommutative language of factorizations with unit'' for which a muti-layered characterization of beingof Fock type'' is provided.

Predavanje bo potekalo v živo, bo pa omogočen tudi prenos prek interneta. Povezava na videokonferenčni sistem ZOOM: ID: 954 9228 5750 Link to the slides: Vljudno vabljeni!