Preskoči na glavno vsebino

1351. sredin seminar: Vladimir Batagelj: OpenAlex2Pajek - Institutions, the saturation approach, and co-authorship between countries

Datum objave: 21. 5. 2024
Seminar za računalniško matematiko (Sredin seminar)
18.00 - 19.45
ID: 869 5394 3473 – Geslo: 778851
Sreda, 22. maj 2024, od 18:00 do 19:45, po Zoomu

We continue the development of a support for conversion of OpenAlex data into Pajek's networks. The saturation approach was split in two phases: * the saturation phase dealing only with the citation network for selection of relevant works * creation of bibliographic networks for selected relevant works In some cases, such as all works of researchers from a selected institution, the saturation phase is not needed. We will also show how we can create a sequence of temporal networks describing the co-authorship between world countries. We will present some analyses of created networks.

PS. Kdor bi rad kaj povedal na naslednjih seminarjih, naj mi sporoči naslov teme in doda kratek povzetek.