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Elizaveta Safonova: Intensity statistics inside an open wave-chaotic cavity with broken time-reversal invariance

Datum objave: 28. 5. 2024
Seminar za matematično fiziko
13.00 - 15.00
Seminar room 133, Jadranska ulica 21

Using the supersymmetric method of random matrix theory within the Heidelberg approach framework we provide statistical description of stationary intensity sampled in locations inside an open wave-chaotic cavity, assuming that the time-reversal invariance inside the cavity is fully broken. In particular, we show that when incoming waves are fed via a finite number M of open channels the probability density P(I) for the single-point intensity I decays as a powerlaw for large intensities: P(I) ∼ I −(M+2), provided there is no internal losses. This behaviour is in marked difference with the Rayleigh law P(I) ∼ exp(−I/I) which turns out to be valid only in the limit M → ∞. We also find the joint probability density of intensities I1, . . . , IL in L > 1 observation points, and then extract the corresponding statistics for the maximal intensity in the observation pattern. For L → ∞ the resulting limiting extreme value statistics (EVS) turns out to be different from the classical EVS distributions.