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Dr. Guilhem Poy (UL FMF): Guiding principles of light in frustrated chiral birefringent systems

Datum objave: 13. 4. 2021
Ponedeljkov fizikalni kolokvij
16.15 - 17.00
Monday, April 19th 2021, at 16:15 on
Dr. Guilhem Poy (UL FMF): Guiding principles of light in frustrated chiral birefringent systems

Dr. Guilhem Poy (UL FMF): Guiding principles of light in frustrated chiral birefringent systems

Povzetek / Abstract: I will present an overview of the research made during my Marie Curie fellowship, whose goal was to establish the guiding principles of light in frustrated chiral liquid crystals (LC) based on nonlinear optical effects and light-matter interactions with robust topological structures. After an introduction of this soft matter system, I will present the theoretical tools that I developed to study light propagation in inhomogeneous birefringent media. Then, I will show how chirality can boost the nonlinear optical response of LC systems in the context of self-focused beams. Finally, I will demonstrate how topological solitons can be used to control the flow of light at the microscopic scale. Some results to be presented are described in Phys. Rev. X 10, 031042 and in Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 077801.

Predavanje bo v angleščini / Lecture will be held in English Predavanje bo potekalo preko spleta / Lecture will be held online: