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ASTRODEBATA / Katarina (Dida) Markovič: Cosmology with Euclid and Roman

Datum objave: 25. 6. 2024
11.00 - 12.00
predavalnica F3, Jadranska 19, FMF
ID: 94130470458
V petek, 28. junija, bo astrodebata ob 11. uri v predavalnici F3 na Jadranski 19. Dida Markovič (Jet Propulsion Laboratory - NASA/Caltech) bo predstavila vesoljska teleskopa Euclid in Roman in njun prispevek k reševanju odprtih vprašanj kozmologije. Predavanje bo v angleščini!

Cosmology with Euclid and Roman

Katarina (Dida) Markovič
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA/Caltech)

The past two decades have seen cosmology become a precision science. This decade, the planning for precise measurements of the cosmic expansion and gravitational growth history is culminating in a series of map maker surveys. The Euclid Space Telescope, launched last summer and the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, to be launched by 2027 are ESA's and NASA’s flagship experiments. This talk will introduce the cosmological concordance model, its recent tensions, and outline how the Euclid Wide Survey and Roman’s High Latitude Imaging Survey will be analysed to provide answers to some of the key scientific questions of the present time.