ASTRODEBATA / Boštjan Čampelj: The Globus Project, Visualising the celestial coordinate system
Datum objave: 9. 10. 2024
11.00 - 12.00
predavalnica F3, Jadranska 19, FMF
ID: 940 8678 8716
V ponedeljek, 14. oktobra 2024, bo ob 11. uri Astrodebata, ki jo bo vodil Boštjan Čampelj, študent FMF. Predavanje (v angleškem jeziku) bo v predavalnici F3. Vabljeni!
The Globus Project, Visualising the celestial coordinate system
Boštjan Čampelj
Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko, Ljubljana
In astronomy, coordinate systems are used for specifying positions of celestial objects, such as satellites, planets, stars and so on. But these coordinates often mean little to a person who has no experience in the field. This is why I will present my project, showing the use of the coordinate systems in a more fun and intuitive way. By using stepper motors, I point a laser from inside a rotating globe, thus more easily showing the differences between the various coordinate systems and visualising the abstract equations. The discussion will revolve around the project itself and it's plans for the future.