Luke Edholm: Projective invariants and the Cauchy-Leray transform
V torek, 26. novembra ob 12. uri in 30 minut, bo v okviru seminarja za kompleksno analizo predaval dr. Luke Edholm z Univerze na Dunaju, Avstrija.
Title: Projective invariants and the Cauchy-Leray transform.
Abstract: The Cauchy-Leray (or Leray) transform is a higher-dimensional analogue of the planar Cauchy transform. It can be defined on C-convex hypersurfaces in n-dimensional projective space and when the hypersurfaces have reasonable geometric regularity, it defines a skew projection onto the Hardy space of L^2-boundary values of holomorphic functions. This talk will focus on important projectively invariant aspects of Cauchy-Leray theory. In particular we show how analytic quantities related to the Cauchy-Leray transform are connected to geometric invariants on the hypersurface. We will look first at interesting model cases before using the models to describe more general situations.
Predavanje bo potekalo hibridno, v predavalnici 3.05 na Jadranski 21 in preko aplikacije ZOOM:
Meeting ID: 993 8252 7395
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Vodji seminarja
Franc Forstneric in Barbara Drinovec Drnovsek