Ahmad Hussein: Fefferman chains and the local sphericity of strongly pseudoconvex hypersurfaces in C^3
V torek, 14. januarja ob 12. uri in 30 minut, bo v okviru seminarja za kompleksno analizo predavanje
Ahmad Hussein: Fefferman chains and the local sphericity of strongly pseudoconvex hypersurfaces in C^3.
Abstract: In this talk, we present a recent result concerning the behavior of Fefferman chains (null geodesics) associated with the Fefferman metric on strongly pseudoconvex hypersurfaces in C^3. We show that for a point p in such a hypersurface M, the chains around p are simple - meaning that, under "almost horizontal" initial conditions, they project to "nice enough deformations" of circles in the tangent sphere at p - if and only if p is an umbilical point of M. Thus, M is locally a sphere if and only if its chains are locally simple.
Predavanje bo potekalo hibridno, v predavalnici 3.05 na Jadranski 21 in preko aplikacije Zoom:
Meeting ID: 993 8252 7395
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Vodji seminarja
Franc Forstneric in Barbara Drinovec Drnovsek