Invitation to the LERU-CE7 Widening online seminar
Spoštovani pedagogi, raziskovalci
Kot aktivna članica LERU-CE7 povezave bo Univerza v Ljubljani gostila LERU-CE7 online seminar z naslovom:
»Through the Widening DOCS (Disparities, Opportunities, Complementarities, Synergies) policies towards research excellence«. Seminar bo potekal dne 17. junija, 2021 med 9:00 in 15:25.
Seminar bo predstavil razloge za Widening politiko Evropske unije z nekaterimi najboljšimi praksami in projekti iz preteklosti in izpostavil priložnosti za CE7 in LERU univerze v okviru nove Widening strategije EU v zvezi z Obzorjem Evropa ter pričakovane bodoče komplementarnosti in sinergije z drugimi evropskimi in nacionalnimi raziskovalno-razvojnimi programi.
V prilogi vam pošiljamo program in vas vabimo, da se dogodka udeležite ter aktivno prispevate s svojimi mnenji in pogledi v okviru diskusij.
Več informacij o LERU-CE7 Widening online seminarju in možnosti registracije je na voljo na naslednji strani LERU-CE7 WIDENING ONLINE SEMINAR
Dear teachers and researchers,
As an active member of LERU-CE7 initiative University of Ljubljana is going to host the LERU-CE7 online seminar with the title:
»Through the Widening DOCS (Disparities, Opportunities, Complementarities, Synergies) policies towards research excellence«. The date of the event is 17 June 2021, 10:00-15:25.
The seminar will present the rationale behind the EU Widening policy with some best practises of the past and highlight the opportunities for CE7 and LERU universities within the new EU Widening Strategy in relation to Horizon Europe and expected complementarities and synergies with other European and national research and development programmes.
In the attachment we are sending you the programme and we invite you to join us and actively contribute the views within the discussions.
More information and the registration to LERU-CE7 Widening on-line seminar is possible at the following website: LERU-CE7 WIDENING ONLINE SEMINAR