Dr. Adam Wojciechowski (Jagiellonian University): Nitrogen-vacancy color centers in diamond and their applications in magnetic field sensing and imaging
Datum objave: 14. 10. 2021
Ponedeljkov fizikalni kolokvij
16.00 - 17.00
ID: 980 0889 5298
v ponedeljek, 18. 10. 2021, ob 16:15 v F1 in prek Zooma
The negatively-charged nitrogen-vacancy (NV-) color centers in diamond allow for high-sensitivity sensing of, among others, the magnetic and electric fields at micro- and nano-meter scales. I will discuss the underlying physics of NV centers and various sensing modalities, with particular focus on the, so called, optically detected magnetic resonance. I will then proceed to the magnetometry applications and high-resolution magnetic field imaging. Finally, I will discuss our results on the development of hybrid glass-diamond sensors and on biology-oriented studies with NV diamonds.