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Ilja Doršner: Fully Testable Axion Dark Matter within a Minimal SU(5) GUT

Datum objave: 21. 2. 2023
Skupni FMF-IJS seminar visokoenergijske fizike
14.00 - 15.00
Tea room of F1 department (IJS) and zoom

Ilja Doršner: Fully Testable Axion Dark Matter within a Minimal SU(5) GUT

I discuss a minimal Grand Unified Theory model, based on SU(5) gauge symmetry and a global U(1) Peccei-Quinn symmetry, that predicts the existence of an ultralight axion dark matter within a narrow mass range of [0.1, 4.7] neV. This mass window is determined through an interplay between gauge coupling unification constraints, partial proton decay lifetime limits, and the need to reproduce the experimentally observed fermion mass spectrum. The entire parameter space of the proposed model will be probed through a synergy between several low-energy experiments that (will) look for proton decay (Hyper-Kamiokande), axion dark matter through axion-photon coupling (ABRACADABRA and DMRadio-GUT) and nucleon electric dipole moments (CASPEr Electric).