Preskoči na glavno vsebino

Dr. Rok Prislan (InnoRenew CoE): Room acoustics and the challenges of sound field characterization

Datum objave: 16. 3. 2023
Ponedeljkov fizikalni kolokvij
16.15 - 17.15

Room acoustics is about understanding the sound field that builds up in an enclosed space. The properties of the field are quantified by room acoustic parameters, which should be measurable and related to a specific property of the sound source, room geometry, or room boundaries. The determination of the relevant room acoustic parameters is the core of the discipline.
Surprisingly, there is no quantifier that could evaluate the degree of diffuseness of the sound field, although the assumption of a diffuse sound field is considered in several standardized measurement procedures in acoustics. The presentation will introduce the fundamentals of room acoustics and the current sound field characterization investigations being conducted in the InnoRenew CoE acoustics laboratory. Experimental results show a correlation between the complexity of the room geometry and the measured sensitivity of the impulse response.

Cookies, tea.