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Tomaž Pisanski: Communication theory - my way

Datum objave: 22. 3. 2020
Seminar za diskretno matematiko
Torek, 24. 3. 2020, od 10h do 12h, na daljavo

V torek, 24. marca, bo v okviru Seminarja za diskretno matematiko imel  prof. Tomaž Pisanski predavanje z naslovom

"Communication theory - my way".

Predavanje bo potekalo preko sistema Zoom:

Meeting ID: 473 844 384
Password: 081758

Več podatkov je spodaj:


Communication Theory – My Way
Seminar for Discrete Mathematics
Ljubljana, March 24, 2020
Tomaž Pisanski
At 10:15 viz Zoom:

Meeting ID: 473 844 384
Password: 081758

See also:


You should understand ...

  • I am talking not as an expert but as a long-time university lecturer who likes distance teaching and learning.
  • Due to unusual circumstances, we are all pushed into distance learning and distance teaching. This serves as a good excuse to talk about such unusual topic at mathematics seminar.
  • Throughout Slovenia there are many discussions about choosing appropriate tools for teaching courses via internet.
  • We can imagine that such discussions take place in many other places on Earth.

I am not going to ...

... promote one system over another one.     
[I hope some of you, will be able to do it soon at a similar seminar here or at some other location.]
... teach you how to use Powerpoint or Beamer, etc. for preparing your Seminar Talk.
... teach you how to organize your courses in moodle.
... teach you how to make and upload videos to Youtube on Vimeo.

So what am I going to do today?

  • I will try to sketch a “theory” of communication.
  • Again, since I am not an expert in this area the word “theory” has to be taken cum grano salis.
  • The goal of this talk is to give you enough theory that will explain the following.
  • Why is distance learning so difficult?
  • Why teaching large groups of students is more complicated than teaching small groups?
  • Why overusing colors and animation may be counter-productive?

A similar talk has been given on Monday, March 23 in Koper.
I am preparing a course ommunication in Science and Higher Education. This talk can be viewed as an introductory lecture to the above mentioned course.


It seems the seminar will take place on the internet for some time. We decided to establish a course in Spletna učilnica at FMF, University of Ljubljana with guest access available.
Material for each seminar and announcements for further seminars can be found here.

If you have account in spletna učilnica and are interested in Seminar for Discrete Mathematics, please enroll in this course. Guests are also allowed to view the contents.