Preskoči na glavno vsebino

Delavnica GAP

Datum objave: 22. 4. 2014
Obvestilo sodelavcem Oddelka za matematiko in IMFM
Sreda, 23. aprila, od 16h do 19h, učilnica 3.10 (Jadranska 21)

Delavnica GAP bo v sredo, 23. aprila 2014, od 16h do 19h v učilnici 3.10 (Jadranska 21). Delavnico bo izvedel Robert F. Morse, ki je zaposlen kot redni profesor na Oddelku za računalništvo univerze v Evansvillu, ZDA. Pred tem je več let deloval v raziskovalnem oddelku IBM-a. Raziskovalno je dejaven na področju računske teorije grup, hkrati pa je član razvojne skupine programskega sistema GAP. Delavnica bo v angleškem jeziku.

"Ciljna publika" so sicer dodiplomski študentje, udeležite pa se je seveda lahko tudi zaposleni.

Opis delavnice: Groups, Algorithms, Programming (GAP) is a system for computational discrete algebra with an emphasis on computational group theory. In this workshop we will focus on aspects of computational group theory to illustrate how GAP works and its computational power. We will create groups of various kinds within GAP and explore their structure. We will use GAP to determine the order of a group, whether or not it is commutative and find some of its main subgroups such as its center, derived subgroup, and Sylow subgroups. We will use GAP's libraries to find all non-isomorphic groups of a given order and find whether a given property holds within these groups. The workshop will be informal, hands on, and interactive.

Prijave: (smer in letnik pustite prazno) Se vidimo!